Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Why do we instinctively disobey?

One of my great passions has been studying the great incarnates in Indian mythology. I am specifically attracted to Lord Ram and have always wondered how a person can have all these brilliant qualities of playing the role of a perfect son in every way making them (parents) extremely proud and blessed. People will simply say that he is an avatar of Vishnu (One of the principle God of the Hindus) and so he could do it. It may not be possible for ordinary mortals like us. But I disagree. God does not incarnate into the world to show that He could do it because He is God. My firm belief or rather my unshakable faith is that God incarnates as man to show people that - Man can do it. We only have to find a way to hack into his attitude….but how to do that? I just focused on the being with the vibration of Lord Ram and allowed my intuition to find the answer for me.

I conduct Midbrain activation workshops for children, and I was speaking about how one of the benefits of the course apart from improved intelligence and intuition is that the children become far more responsible and start obeying their parents after the workshop. Although the scientific reason for the same has not been established, it has been reported multiple times by grateful parents. So with this feedback in mind, I was promoting this workshop highlighting this aspect to parents who were hoping that their wards would start taking the initiative in their school work.

I came across one particular child who was doing very poorly at school, addicted to TV, not focusing on studies and disobeys parents when they ask him to stop watching TV. 

On the first interaction, I discovered that the child had very low self-esteem. I did my best to improve his confidence after giving him the assurance that he wouldn’t be judged or underestimated if he goes wrong. He participated in workshop well and developed blindfolded reading abilities as a result of it. But even after a few sessions, the complaint from the parent that he is addicted to watching TV all day long and disobeys when asked to do otherwise continued. I had assured improvement, but at that moment I didn’t know how to respond.

Few more days passed and one day I was busy working on my computer. I was almost done with my work when my mom wanted me to do a simple household work which is actually my duty. I somehow wanted to ignore and continue doing something with the computer. There was an unexplainable pleasure I was experiencing out of disobeying her. 

I wondered why.  

It was then that I remembered one of the games the EGO plays – Refusing to be dominated.  And then I questioned further – Why would the EGO do that? It is then I realised that it is a way the EGO seeks importance and significance. It is trying to communicate the message – “I am powerful enough to say a NO!”. But is that really a state of power? 

The only way it can establish its importance is by refusing to obey. This is an act of seeking significance in a destructive way. The EGO does that when one has a very low self-esteem. 

So whenever the disobeying instinct is active within you, it is a clear indication of low self-importance. You can either keep seeking importance from others forever, or you can give importance and love to yourself. Just meditating and affirming - “I give importance to myself” does the trick and the EGO will stop seeking significance through disempowering means. 

Watch the EGO and whenever it plays domination, refusal to be dominated, “I am right”, “You are wrong” games – It is a reminder to give yourself self-love and self-importance. 

How much importance would you give yourself if you were a part of GOD?  Give this magnitude of self-importance to yourself consistently and watch the difference in your behaviour, you are in for a pleasant surprise!

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