Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Handling Jealousy

To make this post really effective and help you in your life, think of something or someone who instills a feeling of jealousy in you. Once you have done that, proceed with reading.

One of the common negative feelings that affect humanity is jealousy. After raising my spiritual awareness, the perspective with which I viewed negative emotions underwent a radical change.

Jealousy, in my opinion, is one of the most misunderstood and negatively rated emotions. I have always wanted to explore the positive side of everything. After all, jealousy is not something we create consciously. It is present in the design and we can’t eliminate it, whether we like it or not.

If there was a positive side of jealousy, what could that be? If we can find out, we can be at peace with it instead of fighting it. On contemplation, I discovered more about this misinterpreted emotion and how it can be used to one’s advantage.

First, we need to understand what jealousy is. The dictionary definition of the word jealous is – “ feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages” . We become jealous of somebody when they have something we do not have. To harness the positive power of jealousy, before doing anything, we need to accept and integrate certain fundamental truths and principles.

  1.       Our life is in our hands and we have the power to create anything we want.
  2.     We shall always have the energy, motivation and drive to accomplish those things that are true to our calling.
The key here is to make sure, what ‘we want to create’ and ‘our calling’ are similar in some ways and specifically figure out exactly how what we want supports our calling. But many a time a person with an average level of consciousness is disconnected from his/her true calling. When we are not aware of our inner calling, that’s when we get trapped by traditional goal setting and get into a monotonous life totally out of sync with who we really are. Here is where jealousy comes to the rescue! Keep reading to find out how..

No matter who we are or what we have accomplished, there are always people who are better than us in any field, even if it is a field of our expertise. In fact, every person we meet is in some way better than us in at least one aspect, no matter who that person is. But the reality is that we are not jealous of everybody. The feeling of jealousy only crops up against specific people, not everybody. Ever wondered why? Pay more attention to what comes next.

The aspect of whomever we are jealous about is actually something which is similar to what we really want in life. It may not exactly be the same, but close to it. Or sometimes it may be an indication of the direction we need to take to live our true calling. But here is the twist. There are major obstacles in our path to get there and those obstacles are self-created. Allow the previous sentence to really sink in. If you really understand the truth in it, it would seem like a ton of bricks falling over your head and would feel as though you have awakened from a deep slumber.

In other words, what you are jealous about is what you really want in your life, but you are your own obstacle. This realization would make jealously disappear just like water evaporates on exposure to the sun. 

Then when you start exploring how you are your own obstacle, you may discover some negative beliefs or you may not find anything at all. If you discover your negative beliefs, find ways to eliminate or change them. Or, there is an easy shortcut. Start admiring the very same person you were jealous about for what they have accomplished (It is much easier now after the realization).

Over a short period of time, magically you would come across ways to eliminate those blocks or they will disappear on their own. Wish you all success!

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